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Frequently Asked Questions

Quick answers to questions you may have. Can't find what you're looking for?

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In most cases, a demo will run for approximately an hour. This provides an adequate amount of time to explore the main features of the platform and answer any questions you may have.

Our demos aim to give insight to not just the functionality of the product, but how using Vitavo can impact your particular service delivery.


Any members from your team who are involved in vaccinations would benefit from attending a demo. We do however understand that time is a precious commodity in the bustling environment of a pharmacy. This being the case, it would be most appropriate for the Owner/Head Pharmacist or Operations Manager to attend a demo.


Our demo session is best targeted at Immunisation Coordinators, Team Leaders or heads of relevant departments. 


The demo would be most suited to those with leadership roles related to the vaccination program - Head of Operations or Health Services, Immunisation Program Leads or technical team members.

Vitavo has been purpose-built, from scratch, based on over 30 years of experience in Australian immunisation services.

All administrative tasks and clinical workflows have been embedded into the platform to provide a seamless and efficient model of service delivery. This means that you can stop struggling with inefficient workarounds or digital solutions that are not fit-for-purpose.

Vitavo streamlines workflows and offers customised modules within the platform for each service delivery type (communities, schools, pharmacies and workplaces) and automates over 85% of the manual administration it takes to run these programs.

The best way to understand how Vitavo functions and how it could significantly impact your vaccine service delivery is to book a demo with one of our team. This will allow us to show you around the platform and demonstrate the customised pharmacy workflows - all while answering any questions you may have.

Vitavo is leading the way with the latest Australian Immunisation Register integration built into a simple, user-friendly workflow for your immunisation team. 

We use PRODA (Provider Digital Authentication), from Web Services Australia, to ensure you have access to all AIR functions within Vitavo - this includes individual records being uploaded in real-time upon completion of the vaccination encounter (not in batches), so there's no added processing time required at the end of a session or day.

Beneath our intuitive and easy-to-use platform sits premium technology that’s backed by superior security. 

We can provide your IT team with full technical specifications upon request, but at a glance our data is encrypted, stored, and hosted in Australia by Amazon Web Services (AWS) in Sydney and Azure in South East Melbourne. 

We are ISO27001 and SOC 2 Type 2 accredited, and we meet all national standards, including IRAP and PRODA Digital Authentication, have multi-factor authentication available across all portals, and regularly run external cyber security penetration testing.

Great question! The first step to answering this is understanding what costs you are currently incurring - both financial and time costs - so that you can work out what your current systems and processes are actually costing you when it comes to delivering vaccination services.

Think of it this way…
If your current system (or combination of tools) doesn't automate the majority of your vaccination-related tasks - e.g. inventory tracking, digital informed consent, appointment reminders, vaccine payment processing at the time of booking, real-time AIR uploads, PPA claims, etc. - then it's likely costing you much more than the monthly subscription you're paying when you factor in the hours upon hours of your time.

When you have a tech solution in place that automates and streamlines your current workflows, consider the revenue increase you could achieve - an increase in delivery capacity means more per vaccination government payments, more revenue from paid vaccinations and the potential to introduce new programs within workplaces, schools or aged care and disability residences.

Where preferred, we are always happy to jump on a call and work through an ROI scenario specific to your service offering. These calls only take about half an hour and can assist you with building a business case where required.

Vitavo offers a range of training options and ongoing support to all of our providers. The product comes with easy-to-follow role specific product tours and self-paced video tutorials to support your staff navigate the platform. We offer 24/7 access to our knowledge base article library which contains explainer articles and how-to guides about all aspects and functions of the platform - these articles also include detailed screenshots and demonstration videos.

For Local Governments, we offer 2 x half day training sessions to support your team with change management.

As you use Vitavo, our support is also ongoing via phone, chat, and email – through the Vitavo Help Desk.